Monday, December 8, 2008

Rally to protest budget cuts a success!

Advocates, service providers, parents and clients turned out today to call attention to the devastasting cuts in a press conference and rally organized by the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada. Those who turned out included the Nevada Women's Lobby, League of Women Voters, AAUW, High Sierra Industries, AFSCME, Nevada PEP, Washoe ARC and numerous parents and others who are directly affected by cuts. The turnout was inspiring and we're looking forward to follow-up rallies as we move into the regular session. We heard from a lot of people who could not make it in person who said they will be contacting their legislators- this is equally effective. To find your legislator's contact information, go to To learn more about Nevada Women's Lobby, go to our website at or visit us on Facebook or MySpace!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nevada Women's Lobby to join other advocates and providers in rally against budget cuts

The Nevada Women's Lobby (NWL) has long been an advocate for Nevada's women, children and families. We have been pleased to have your support and we ask that you speak out at this critical time in our state's history. As you may know, Governor Gibbons is convening a special session next Monday, Dec 8 and Tuesday, Dec 9, to address the budget shortfall. NWL is joining the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada and an array of human services providers and advocates (from education, mental health, reproductive health, seniors' services, the disabled, homeless, civil rights, child welfare and more) for a press conference and demonstration Monday, December 8 at noon at the Capitol and 12:30 at the Legislature. In these economic times, the need for key human services only increases. These disastrous cuts either shift the burden to already overburdened community agencies or they aren't taken care of at all. We are calling for an open, bipartisan dialogue to consider all possible solutions to this fiscal crisis in order to secure the future of our state. You can help by attending the press conference and rally to speak out on the cuts. If you cannot attend in person, you can still be effective by contacting your legislators and the Governor and sharing how the cuts are affecting or will affect you. Your letters and calls are needed between now and the regular session in February. Please see below for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact me via email or at 702-493-5030. Please share this with others as well. Thank you in advance for anything you can do.

Every three or four months, legislators address Nevada’s chronic budget shortfall by making more cuts. Do we want to keep cutting into to the next biennium? We’re tired of “band-aid” solutions to our hemorrhaging budget crisis.

Join us as we speak out against additional cuts!

Monday, December 8 (first day of Special Session)
12:00 Capitol Building in Carson City
12:30 Legislature Building (right next door)
Bring signs and band aids!

**If you cannot be there in person, you can still speak out. Your legislators and the Governor need to hear from you- how are the budget cuts affecting you, or how will they affect you down the road? Go to for legislator contact information and for the Governor. Mail, email, fax or call their offices now.

• To ask Governor Gibbons if he has a plan to deal with cutting 34% of Nevada’s budget, and to tell him “No New Taxes” is a recipe for disaster, NOT a plan.
• To deliver "Nevada Budget Planning and Policy Toolkits” (packages of band-aids) to the Governor and Legislators.
• To demand the Governor and the Legislature invest in Nevada’s families to bolster the state’s economy, an economy which depends on well-educated Nevadans, safe communities, a sound transportation infrastructure and affordable health care and housing.
With the economy tanking, now is not the time to cut spending. Economists left, right and center support increased government spending to prime the economy. Nevada is going in exactly the opposite direction, cutting spending more and more, making Nevada's economic slowdown even worse.
Nevada’s revenue crisis will plunge the state into deeper economic ruin unless courageous and comprehensive measures are taken immediately. The problem is not now, nor has it ever been, primarily about spending. If you lose your job and can’t pay the bills, you don’t have a spending problem. You have an income problem. Similarly, Nevada state government has an income problem that can no longer withstand the vicissitudes of boom and bust that result in worsening education for our kids and further cuts to an already shredded safety net.